Friday, March 28, 2008



其實每一件發生的事情 都是好的 只要我們肯往好的方向想

Thursday, March 27, 2008



Best Regards,


Tuesday, March 25, 2008


無法專心 T__T 對不起

Thursday, March 20, 2008

[english lesson] When Beijing Needs Dalai Lama

Despite the intensity of the confrontation between the Chinese authorities
and Tibetan protestors, Beijing and the exiled (離鄉背井) Tibetan spiritual
leader, the Dalai Lama, appear to be subtly (敏銳地) acknowledging the extent
to which they need each other. But you have to read past the pungent (敏銳的)
rhetoric (辭令) to see that.

China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao on Tuesday lashed out at the Dalai Lama,
blaming the exiled Tibetan leader for the confrontations of the past week.
The events that have rocked Tibet and Tibetan communities all over the
region, Wen charged, had been "masterminded and incited (激勵) by the Dalai
Lama clique (黨派)."

The Dalai Lama insisted that the uprising in Tibet was a spontaneous reaction
to Beijing's unyielding refusal to hear Tibetan grievances, and its adoption
of a policy that the spiritual leader branded "cultural genocide."

Not much room for a meeting of minds, then. Or is there?

Even as he lambasted (粗暴地罵) the exiled Tibetan leader, Wen added, "We
have repeatedly stated that [if] the Dalai Lama gives up his independence
position, recognizes Tibet as an inseparable part of China's sovereign (主權國
家) territory and recognizes Taiwan as an inseparable part of China's
sovereign territory, [then] our door is open to him for talks ... But the
recent events exactly prove he is hypocritical (偽善的) on these two key
issues. Even so, I want to reiterate that we still keep our word. Now what is
key to this is his action."

But the Dalai Lama continues to speak out against the goal of independence as
unrealistic — much to the chagrin (懊惱) of an increasingly militant younger
generation of Tibetans — and has called instead for "genuine" autonomy for
Tibet. The Dalai Lama continues to reiterate his firm commitment to policies
that have been rejected by many younger Tibetan activists as ineffectual. On
Tuesday, he reaffirmed his preference for dialogue and coexistence with the
Chinese, threatening to resign his political leadership role if the
confrontation with Beijing continued, and urging restraint among Tibetan
activists aiming to confront the Chinese. Clearly, the Dalai Lama is
concerned that confronting a far stronger rival — one whose centrality to
the global economy makes it an indispensable partner to the world's most
powerful nations — can only result in defeat, and ruin any prospect of a
consensual coexistence between Beijing and a relatively autonomous Tibet.

Beijing and the Dalai Lama are a long way from productive dialogue right now,
of course, and each side sees reason to mistrust the other. Chinese leaders
view the Tibet rebellion as having been stoked by the exiled Tibetan
leadership in order to embarrass Beijing on the eve of its Olympic coming-out
party, hoping to internationalize their quest for independence in the way
that the Kosovar Albanians have — an outcome China will resist at any cost.
The activists may be hoping to provoke an international boycott of the
Beijing Olympics as a way of forcing China to deal with their demands,
although such a boycott remains extremely unlikely, with most Western
governments having moved quickly to squelch (壓扁) any suggestion that they
might stay away from the Games. China's centrality to the world economy today
has given it the equivalent of great-power status, meaning that even when
others criticize its human rights abuses, there is too much else riding on
their relationship to allow it to be disrupted by such concerns.

The exiled Tibetan leadership, for its part, fears that the dialogue started
in 2002 between the Chinese authorities and representatives of the Dalai Lama
has never been treated seriously by Beijing, and that it may simply be a ruse
(策略) to run out the clock on the political career of the 73-year-old
spiritual leader. All the while, China has sought to transform Tibet through
massive investment in its economic development, hoping that Colonel Sanders,
and the consumer culture he represents, will prove a more alluring icon than
the Dalai Lama to younger Tibetans. This, and the mass migration of Han
Chinese into Tibet, threatens the viability of Tibet's traditional way of
life, which is what prompts the Dalai Lama's accusation of "cultural

Still, both sides may have an incentive to find a bridge over the gulf that
separates them. In the short term, Beijing sees the Olympics as its symbolic
entry onto the world stage, and is wary of any developments that could mar (毀
損) its triumph. In the longer term, Beijing needs to contain and manage
those centrifugal forces that threaten to break off any part of China. Those
concerns, as well as an overall desire to maintain social stability as
growing inflation raises the specter of economic turbulence, weigh heavily
against the Chinese leadership opting for the sort of brutal crackdown that
ended the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. The enraged citizenry of Western
nations would likely make their own governments' support for the Olympics
untenable (難以防守的) if China's streets were drenched in blood.

Whether Beijing is prepared to recognize it at this stage or not, the Dalai
Lama may represent its best hope of stabilizing Tibet without a bloodbath —
persuading those Tibetans now tilting at the Chinese presence in their midst
to voluntarily stand down. And, perhaps sensing that more militant Tibetans
are embarking on a no-win path of confrontation, the Dalai Lama is, in fact,
moving to restrain them. Threatening to resign his political post if the
confrontations persist, he told his followers that "violence is against human
nature." Clearly troubled by the images of Tibetans in Lhasa responding to
the police crackdown by attacking ordinary Chinese residents of the city and
their businesses, he added, "We must not develop anti-Chinese feelings.
Whether we like it or not we have to live side by side."

Despite their deep differences, then, Beijing and the Dalai Lama share a
preference for resolving the current conflict peacefully, on the basis of
Tibet remaining part of China — albeit with sharply different ideas on the
extent of its autonomy. The problem for both sides is that the longer the
confrontation persists, the slimmer the chance of effecting such a solution.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Yep...凍蒜(read: dong4 suan4) it has no meaning from its direct chinese translation, if u insist, you can translate into "freezed garlic"Confused... but what it actually means here is "voted/win", yeah.. you know taiwan is hot for the presidential election right now....3 days to go..... i'm so excited, this is my first time experiencing presidential election while in taiwan...
yeah... YuGho 凍蒜, YuGho 凍蒜

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


但是我的錢剩下沒多少了 T__T
也有許多預料不到的支出 呼呼...省省省
又還沒繳稅...不知道要繳多少 >__<

Monday, March 17, 2008

Indonesia (and southeast asia) should've been able to do better!!

I was reading an's article that makes me so aggressive about
Indonesia. The article was talking about the stagnant economic growth in
southeast asia. I get to know that it's mainly that our country don't have
our own world class brand, and that makes us less competitive with the other
shining countries of Asia, such as India, China, Taiwan, or South Korea. I
think about this sentence carefully and it seems like it's true. Our
economics is largely still operated by foreign companies. Most original
Indonesian business still play in a small case.

I'd really like to help build Indonesia company.. I just think Indonesia has
way a lot of potential to build!!! Everybody should just have a greater


跟美國的不一樣 怎樣怎樣
嬤的 我常常聽他一直拿美國跟臺灣來比!!
我每次心理都會想說...this is Taiwan, not USA, so what?!
有必要這麼崇拜他們嗎 尤其是白人
我很煩這裡的人感覺他們的mind is just full of USA, and they don't know the
other world
而且 你們說這個那個不一樣
if you want to enjoy the states culture, then go to the states.
It's good if you are looking towards others to improve yourself, but
taiwanese is different... they're looking towards others (especially usa) and
just want to be like others, to imitate others.

I can't blame them for having such a mindset, but i'm just so "ga tahan" with

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I'm not really satisfied with M$ taiwan's customer service, which I regard as
not professional.
You know, we often contact them recently regarding the new M$'s software we
are using for troubleshooting. I think they did several silly stuff, like:
* asking us to google our problem (wat?! google? i thought they would suggest
us to live search our problem instead?!)..and my boss was also surprised to
hear that! We can only shake our head.
* their response is totally slow, although i know maybe they have a lot of
other problems to handle, too. but.... even if they response to us, the
solutions they gave is totally not answering what we were asking.
My boss and I did write to them in English, and they response in Chinese,
then we write in Chinese and they gave us even worse reply #@%#$^%#&$%*. Hey!
Isn't those statements clear enough!
* their email writing is totally bad! I think each company should teach their
employees a good letter/email writing. It shows your respect to your
recipients, whoever they are. And I'm really disappointed for this happen to
a global company's employee.... and that their client is a taiwan's most
important company.. too bad

In the end, I solve all the problems by myself with my head and with the help
of MSDN search... not google/live search.


不過他就是一位很nice的人 很有禮貌 這樣就是帥哥了 Haha..
我最常跟他聊天的 他常常看到我在客廳看電視就會出來跟我聊天
那也是如果他沒有加班, 他還蠻常加班的, 不像我一直都準時下班

我每次都會覺得很開心跟他聊天 下班後回家有人可以聊
他的人也很好, 會關心我 已經把我當妹妹了樣子
他有時會說他弟弟他姊姊他爸爸媽媽什麼什麼的感覺他們感情很好 感覺他也很照顧弟弟

他還提醒我出去還是要關窗因為怕危險 尤其有新人剛搬進來 (我一直以來出去都沒關窗
也說以後他搬走我就孤拎拎一個人 沒有人跟我聊天了 T___T 不想他搬走耶~~~
還給了我一個宣傳單 介紹一些新竹好玩的地方 他大概怕我之後會很悶吧>__<

還記得我第一次跟他認識 當時剛進入寒天 而沒有熱水因為水壓太小 大家忙著討論 跟房
東反映 當時我還忍得住洗冷水 就不多跟他們一起討論 說一些話而已
之後我正在曬衣服的時候遇到他 他開始跟我聊天 我不怎麼鳥他 回話也一點點 一開始想
說這個人尬麻一直跟陌生人聊天 哈哈..
之後第二次他又跟我講話 這時我才開始理他 然後他一直問很多問題 也一直說很好玩的
話 感覺很開心

Wednesday, March 12, 2008




兩個人搶用一台電腦 >__<

Best Regards,




Monday, March 10, 2008


這次真的鼓勵到我 我知道這是我該做的事
上個禮拜五一整天都在做一件事 都已經花了我一整天的時間 最後還有小小錯誤要改
原本主管叫我先回去了 禮拜一在改
不過我覺得這樣很"tanggung" 就那麼一點點事情而已 下班前完成比較好 反正時間也還
早 我也沒有趕時間回去

Thursday, March 06, 2008

butterflies in my stomach

I'm so nervous. Don't know why. My mind is full of thoughts. And it seems as
if I'm getting flu. Feeling uneasy.

Ah me and him so far so good. =)

TX and OH Primaries

I was so glad Hillary Clinton made two victories in TX and OH. I was praying
and praying for her, for she has to made these victories to stay in this
competition, since she's still behind Obama in the number of representative.
Phiuhh..finally. That means she still have a chance, there is still way long
competition to go. I'll still be hoping for her winning.

The US presidential election this time i think is more about the Democrats
competition, didn't you think so? The both delegates from Democrats are so
overexposed, so strong. These primaries and caucusses are majority about them
both. The competition between Republican delegates has ended with Mc Cain
being the most qualified one, but the competition in Democrats hasn't.

This election would benefit Democrats more as the governance of George Bush,
Jr., who is a Republican, is regarded very bad; the policy, the economics.
And Mc Cain should work hard to use the positive impact of Bush as good as he
can. And Mc Cain's program is predicted to be not far different from Bush's.

In Democrats, Hillary is still the best, I think. I hope the young and the
black voters see.... Obama is just selling dreamssss..... I think he should
go to church and be a pastor instead (sorry, but he really sounds like one).
He made great speeches that influence many people, but aren't people getting
bored of these all? If he just went back home and do some useful things
first, and return for the next election, that would be better.

Ah, I was so furious to read when one of Obama's spokesperson accused
Hillary's team for spreading the photo of Obama wearing Moslem headscarf.
What's so wrong about wearing Moslem headscarf?!! That's a really bad
response from Obama's spokesperson. Isn't he the one who will fight for the
black, and may be the Moslem? Then why is he discriminating Moslem? Why is he
keeping denying any connection with Islam as if it ashamed him? What's so
wrong about that?! I did think and I guess maybe US still can't accept Islam

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I get jealous,... sometimes.. for unimportant things >__<

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I was so happy..
Talking to him last night made me much more relaxed <3

Saturday, March 01, 2008

interesting things/activities i found tonite

white rabbit candy!!
so jadul, right?! wanna eat it if only i could find one here!
i thought it was just sold in indo and china. actually, it was sold all around the world! i just know! yeay, white rabbit candy!
A website that's gives us a chance to exchange postcards from all over the world!!! So excited about it. Would like to try it soon. Yay~