Thursday, August 30, 2007

Taiwan, what I love from here.

4 years in Taiwan passed so quickly. I have traveled to several places, but there are 3 places that I love most.

1. Kinmen
This is my most favorite place. It impressed me the most. I especially like the ancient buildings; so meaningful, artistic, traditional, cool, cultural, original. The knife art (made from remnants of bomb) and the garbage art are absolutely excellent to visit. The food is also not bad. Ah, we can also see China mainland through telescope, experience the war moments, war remnants. I certainly would go there once more. I'd like to go to little Kinmen and the island opposite of it (i watch a tv programme and they seemed interesting).

2. 9 Pieces aka Jiu Fen
This place is well known for its old street. Along this road street are a lot of food and souvenir stalls. Pearl sago and fishball are the characteristic food here. We can also walk up a mountain, from the top of the mountain we can get a very nice surrounding view, and the teapot rock.

3. Taipei
Taipei is simply convenient and everything is here. Lots of night markets, full of spirit.

photo: source


on the first step.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I should've been blamed!

for the stupidity that I'd done.
Feeling so guilty.
But is sorry still useful now?!!

I am an Indonesian

Setelah membaca artikel yg ditulis bung Harry Lukman di Koki-nya Kompas (link), saya makin jelas untuk menyatakan bahwa "gw org Indonesia, titik".

Seiring gw pindah ke LN (Taiwan), mulailah saya sering ditanya orang mana. Biasanya bakal jawab Chinese Indonesian. Setelah itu mesti menjelaskan panjang lebar kalo gw Indonesian, tp org Chinese bla bla bla, sampe ke cerita nenek moyang. Duh, ingin rasanya yah ga usah lagi menjelaskan kalo gw tuh keturunan Chinese, wong bisa liat lah dari warna kulit bentuk mata gw. Yang penting gw yah dari Indonesia.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007




Suddenly i feel like going out of Taiwan again.
Being here for 4 years doesn't make me like it here.
It's uncomfortable here. (for me)
Do I really want to stay here for another half year.
I'm really against my heart.
And I still prefer Indonesian or English.
I still prefer originality that I don't feel here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

can't complain any more...
please tell me how to do this??? how to do that?????
how to?????????????????????
i know what's wrong already, have known it for so long.
but can't help T_T~
how to stand up again?

Saturday, August 18, 2007


After reading an article in Hermawan Kartajaya's blog about SBY (Indo president) receiving marketing award from Philip Kotler (a marketing guru), I start thinking if he really deserves it. I often read the officials often get awards from everywhere, but I myself never see their real contributions. FYI, SBY received this award for his contribution to marketing Indo internally and externally. Has he done that? In the contrary I feel like Indonesia isn't getting any better. SBY is too quiet, as if he has a lot of restrictions from many sides. Too many 'Komisi' formed, one komisi for one case? Those ppl are just lying for money, they did nothing, no results from their work. Development is not going on prevalently.

Pity to those not able to enjoy development, just like ppl in Papua (just read an article from Kompas). Govnmt don't help at all, don't give protection to them, even their only food source are destroyed by capitalists.

Indonesia is good, you know. Their principles, culture is very nice, just that shit ppl always take lead, dunno why.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Orang yg ga bae pasti ada karmanya. Some ppl suka face off emang. Orang2 spt itu Berbaik2 dahulu ngomong2 yg ngejatuhin kemudian. Bnr2 susah ngejauhin org spt ini.. Haih.. Di dpn tmn dy bersikap baik demi mendapat simpati, tapi ketika dia uda grab hati tmn kamu, dia akan menjatuhkan kamu. Berterima kasih terhadap pembela2 sejatiku! Untung masih ada kalian yg tak terlena.

Pusink.. bole ga si ga peduli. Kadang, jd sebelllllllll. Just let me do it and watch! Kualitas gw, no.1 dah. Just wait. yg gw perlu: WakTu.

Say no to Mimickr.. amit2 d. basi. not creative. bikin kesel.

Jgn suka pamer/bragging/show off. Jauh2 dr gw.................

Enak bgt ngeliat tmn2 yg uda ngantor, at least mereka punya sesuatu utk dikerjakan. Batak qren bgt bs kerja di BEJ sono, dimana bakat cuap2nya bisa disalurkan.

Masa depanku... secerah apa ya...??

Typhoon besok telah menerbangkan rezekiku. Hiks T_T~

Interview per telp jarak jauh dr singapore hr ini berlangsung cukup baik. Telephonernya

aCtion Pls.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Gw semakin ga suka ama Amrik yg selalu bertindak seolah2 dia itu penguasa dunia. Dialah pembuat keputusan yg paling benar. Just like baru2 ini, dengan adanya Protect America Act 2007, Amrik berhak nyadap 1/3 telekomunikasi dunia. Heh? Dunia ini milik dia apah?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Indonesia Raya

Ternyata aslinya lagu Indonesia Raya 3x lebih panjang dari yang kita dengar sekarang, dan judul aslinya tuh "3 stanza". Lagu tersebut pertama kali diterbitkan oleh suratkabar Sin Po. Ini adalah hasil penemuan dr Tim Air Putih dari sebuah server di Belanda!

Lirik aslinya:
Indonesia Tanah Airkoe
Tanah Toempah Darahkoe
Disanalah Akoe Berdiri
Djadi Pandoe Iboekoe
Indonesia Kebangsaankoe
Bangsa dan Tanah Airkoe
Marilah Kita Berseroe
Indonesia Bersatoe

Hidoeplah Tanahkoe
Hidoeplah Negrikoe
Bangsakoe Ra'jatkoe Semw'wanja
Bangoenlah Jiwanja
Bangoenlah Badannja
Oentoek Indonesia Raja

Indonesia Raya Merdeka Merdeka
Tanahkoe Negrikoe jang Koetjinta
Indonesia Raja Merdeka Merdeka
Hidoeplah Indonesia Raja

Indonesia Tanah jang Moelia
Tanah Kita jang Kaja
Di Sanalah Akoe Berdiri
Oentoek Slama-lamanja
Indonesia Tanah Poesaka
Poesaka Kita Semoeanja
Marilah Kita Mendo'a
Indonesia Bahagia

Soeboerlah Tanahnja
Soeboerlah Djiwanja
Bangsanja Ra'jatnja Sem'wanja
Sadarlah Hatinja
Sadarlah Boedinja
Oentoek Indonesia Raja

Indonesia Tanah Jang Soetji
Tanah Kita Jang Sakti
Di Sanalah Akoe Berdiri'
Njaga Iboe Sedjati
Indonesia Tanah Berseri
Tanah Jang Akoe Sajangi
Marilah Kita Berdjandji
Indonesia Abadi

Slamatlah Ra'jatnja
Slamatlah Poetranja
Poelaoenja, Laoetnja, Sem'wanja
Madjoelah Negrinja
Madjoelah Pandoenja
Oentoek Indonesia Raja

sumber: detikinet

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I've started using blogger blog for a long time. But I seldom use it, more often abandon it for a long time. I think it's time for me to start changing my blogging behavior. I should start blogging useful things, write proper words, you know, maybe I can use it to advertise myself??; hmph, or just posting more contentful things.