Wednesday, March 14, 2007

from lifehacker

ways to stop being late

be comfy in social situation

guess i really need these 2 articles, I'm in these situations right now! Just wish I could work it out.

Friday, March 09, 2007


I'm still abstain in judging islam after so many things happened for the sake of islam since I don't think it's right to make judgement before I learn something of it. It's hard for me to just believe in other people's opinion, news, or media. I don't easily believe in ppl.
It's hard for moslems who were judged just like that.
Why not make things more easier and peace.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

my Indonesia

Sedih rasanya liat keadaan Indo skrg. Dalam 2-3 tahun terakhir, bencana datang tiada henti. Tsunami, bom, kecelakaan pesawat, KA, kerusuhan. Semakin lama semakin kusut rasanya. Apalagi setelah tahun baru imlek baru2 ini ketika saya pulang, saya tak merasakan adanya perubahan/ kemajuan sama sekali di Indonesia, masih sama saja.. hidup di zaman 4 tahun yang lalu, saya semakin kecewa. Pemerintah ga becus, polisi ga becus, petugas ga becus, masyarakat juga ga becus.

Semua taunya cuman pamer harta. Walaupun harta itu memang perlu untuk hidup. Tapi terkadang muak rasanya melihat orang2 yg suka show off kalo duit mereka segudang, dan bergaya bossy. Itulah gaya orang Indonesia skrg, yang gw rasakan, ga peduli itu orang chinese atopun indo. Mungkin gw emang keliatan sok innocent ato apa gt, emang gw ga setajir orang2 kebanyakan, dan keluarga gw pun mengajarkan utk selalu bersikap sederhana, just not too much. and my faith teaches me to be like that. I just wish I could attempt to do something someday.

Waiting on the world to change.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

New Year 2007

My resolutions for this year are:

* Be more confident. Be less shy.
I have to reduce the fear that comes to mind. There's nothing wrong with me. Then why should I fear.
* Fix appearance.
Coz after this graduation, I'll face society, work, public. Be neater and more mature in appearance and ppl will appreciate you more.
* Have strong commitment, opinion.
When commited to something, be strong with it! Don't be influenced easily. But don't be too stubborn, too.
* Study more while there are times.
Keep up the spirit to study!
* Stay commited to my dreams.
My dreams, one day. I hope I can reach it.
* Be more religious.
Pray more often.
